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TikTok Profile Image
Learning by doing and teaching.

Tech Content Creator TikTok.
I’m Jake —
crafting thoughtful experiences and interfaces + sharing AI, tech, and startup content to empower aspiring builders
Building AI products at Cassidy and Interviews by AI. Tech Content Creator TikTok.
personal projects
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Soccer Score Checker
Combining my love for tech and soccer to save myself the pain of watching a 0-0 match.
Artificial Intelligence
Optimize with AI
Leveraging no-code to create an MVP in 3 days to validate my AI concept that went viral on TikTok.
Concept Design
Questioning and re-imaging the collaborative writing process, using high-fidelity prototyping.
Shop Unknown
Combining Python web scraping practices, API integrations and React JS to power a fully-featured complex search site.
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Curious and always learning — Bringing together multiple disciplines and aspects from my professional work and from my own personal research. This fosters high-level practical experience and understanding of both technical and non-technical concepts, which bridges a number of important gaps.
Product Management
Lean-Agile Methodologies
Data Analytics
UI / UX Design
Web Development
Product sense to identify gaps and opportunities from users and the wider market. Requirements gathering, prototyping, and technical skills to effectively communicate to stakeholders, engineers, and designers to better understand and balance the trio of lenses: feasibility, desirability, and viability.
Jake headshot professional
Nice to meet you!
Hey there, I'm Jake Rosenthal, I work at Cassidy in New York. I’m working towards onboarding the next million businesses into the world of AI through no-code automation!

I co-developed interviewsby.ai, an AI-powered interview prep site, and scaled it to over 35k users and 150k+ questions answered.

I also make content about AI and startups on TikTok, where I’ve gained over 45k+ followers, and partnered with companies like Zapier and Softr.

Previously, I consulted with some of the largest clients in finance and government, leading product design and delivery while partnering with their teams.

Outside of work, I spend my time fantasizing about soccer, good eats, and how to maximize sunlight before Canadian winters hit.

Find me at the links below.